Support Coordination External (DHHS90828)
Home and Community-Based Service (“HCBS”) Waiver programs are the federally approved Medicaid programs authorized by Title XIX of the Social Security Act, Section 1915(c), to provide services in the home and community for Persons who would otherwise require institutional care in a hospital, nursing facility, or intermediate care facility. The purpose of Support Coordination-External services is to assist Waiver-eligible Persons in selecting and obtaining HCBS Waiver and other non-Medicaid based services and supports. Support coordinators ensure the health and safety of Persons and work with Persons to ensure that they have the support and services they need to lead their desired lives in a self-determined way. DHHS90828 is an open-ended Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ). Responses are to be submitted outside of U3P as per the instructions in the RFSQ. DO NOT SUBMIT RESPONSES THROUGH U3P as such responses are inaccessible to DHHS.
Application Instructions
Form 1 Data Sheet
Form 2 W-9
Forms 3 Conflict of Interest
Scope of Work (Effective 7-1-21) | Historical Scopes of Work
Evaluator's Scoresheet
Contract Template
Rate Table (Effective 1-1-23) | Historical Rate Tables
Questions and Answers