DHHS celebra 50 años de WIC en un aniversario histórico

Brindando apoyo a las mujeres embarazadas, lactantes y posparto, bebés y niños Salt Lake City—El día de hoy, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Utah (DHHS), la vicegobernadora...
Last updated: September 19, 2024

DHHS releases its first Utah homeless mortality report

Data shows many of the deaths are preventable  (Salt Lake City, UT)—The Utah Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has released a report that focuses on death in people...
Last updated: August 22, 2024

El DHHS publica su primer informe sobre la mortalidad de las personas sin hogar en Utah

Los datos muestran que muchas de las muertes son evitables (Salt Lake City, UT)-El Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Utah (DHHS) ha publicado un informe centrado en la...
Last updated: August 22, 2024

Utah needs foster families

“Who taught me to only condition my hair halfway down? Who taught me how to clean a house the right way? Who taught me how to wash laundry,” asks Natalie...
Last updated: August 12, 2024

Utah WIC modernizes with new benefit card

SALT LAKE CITY – Families receiving benefits from the Utah Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program will have a streamlined shopping experience thanks to a new EBT card launching August...
Last updated: August 12, 2024

El programa WIC de Utah se moderniza con una nueva tarjeta de beneficios

SALT LAKE CITY – Las familias que reciben beneficios del programa para Mujeres, Bebés y Niños (WIC por sus siglas en inglés) de Utah podrán realizar sus compras con mayor...
Last updated: August 12, 2024

Media contacts

For media inquiries, contact our on-call Public Information Officers (PIO) at:

Joe Dougherty, director of communications

News releases and media statements

Spanish news releases and media statements

We strive to provide all news releases and media statements in Spanish. Our language access team can provide translation services by contacting them at languageaccess.utah.gov.  

Our graphic and writing standards

Our agency name is the Utah Department of Health and Human Services. Use DHHS if an acronym is needed. 

  • DHHS graphic standards—This guide outlines how to use our logo, colors, fonts, and imagery in printed and electronic media. 
  • DHHS logos 
  • DHHS writing style guide—This guide creates clear and consistent language and tone across all written products, both internal and external to our agency.

Media guides and safe messaging

How we talk about suicide, mental health, and traumatic events matters. When we follow safe messaging guidelines, we contribute to a hopeful narrative about triumph over adversity. We communicate that support is available. Safe messaging promotes resiliency, encourages help-seeking, publicizes prevention successes, and encourages actions to help prevent suicide. 

When writing about suicide, mental health, or traumatic events follow safe messaging guidelines. Here are some of our favorite resources.