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Division of Finance and Administration (DFA)

Results Based Accountability (RBA) Measures


April 2024 Updates: 


  1. Space Utilization: Due to Hybrid Work Implementation this measure will need to be reevaluated and reconfigured. The expectation for all DHHS employees to work on-site at their assigned office two times per week (a hybrid schedule) will alter the need to reduce space and building usage. Further monitoring and assessments will need to take place and are ongoing.
  2. Number of Audit recommendations unresolved after one year: Current trend is decreasing from 95 to 92 (indicating improvement), but higher than target goal of 5.  Audit recommendations help organizations improve, but only if they are implemented or otherwise resolved. Some audit recommendations may take time to implement, and as such there is not an expectation for this measure to be zero.  The goal for this measure is to have five or less unresolved recommendations at a given time. If it exceeds this amount, a decrease over time towards the goal indicates improvement.
  3. SharePoint Online: Trend is improving. Launched the first week of November.  Everything has been moved to SharePoint online except for contracts and purchasing. We are working through the last critical issues to be able to launch the online purchasing and contract sites in by mid May 2024
  4. Successful Budget forecasting and coordination: Trend is on target. The only pending RBA measure includes monitoring forecasts and budgets. All other Budget RBA measures are complete.


DFA Headline Performance Measures

Standard/ Target



Space utilization analysis and implementation will identify better usage of facilities with an expected outcome of reduced costs

Increase utilization and reduce costs for building support

On Hold


Number of audit recommendations unresolved after one year. [ClearImpact Dashboard item]

Target: 5 (Aligned to DHHS Operations RBA) This measure reflects the number of audit recommendations that are still unresolved after one year from the date the recommendation was made.  To be resolved, a recommendation must be implemented, determined that it no longer is applicable, or show justification for why it will not be implemented.

Q3 FY23: 75

Q4 FY23: 95 

Q1 FY24: 92 (improving)


SharePoint Online is launched by November 15, 2023- allowing for implementation of at least 4 SharePoint projects by January 1, 2024 (such as contracts, purchasing, travel, budget)

SharePoint Online will be successfully implemented by January 1, 2024. Four specific SharePoint projects will be identified and launched by the end of FY24.

Target Met

[see ClearImpact]


Successful budget forecasting and coordination by their outlined and mandatory deadlines (see Standard/target)

All five tactics in Strategy 3, Objective 3 are completed by end of FY24

  1. Implement consistent forecast coordination processes (including fiscal note coordination) by June 30, 2023. [completed] 
  2. Implement consistent budget coordination processes by June 30, 2024. [completed] 
  3. Implement forecast indicators by June 30, 2024 [on target] 
  4. Monitor forecasts and budgets for OU’s by June 30, 2024 [on target] 
  5. Budget Request submission completed and submitted to GOPB by September 30, 2023 [completed]


3 of 5 completed 

On Target for completion by end of FY24


Jan 2024 Updates: 


  1. Space Utilization: Trend is on target. OAS is working through various Hybrid return to work projects in preparation for returning for the April 8th deadline. Many spaces have been reduced drastically and coordination efforts are proving successful.  
  2. Number of Audit recommendations unresolved after one year: Trend is maintaining 
  3. SharePoint Online: Trend is improving. Launched the first week of November. We have a few sites already up and running. The following sites were built on-premise but are being transitioned to SharePoint online: Internal Audit (launched), DFA (cash status, launched), APR , Grants/Revenue, Data Sharing Agreements (DSE is testing), PRISM (DIH is testing), WIC (launched), Travel (will go live in the next couple of weeks), Purchasing (testing now), Contracts. We have some new applications that weren't on-premise but are being built directly into SharePoint online: Constituent Services and CHS (both are done, the divisions are training and rolling out), Contract monitoring, SOW review.
  4. Successful Budget forecasting and coordination: Trend is on target. Budget coordination and forecasting has been ongoing since the beginning of the fiscal year, including submitting detailed budget changes and requests to the Governor's Office in September and working with DHHS operational units on FY24 forecasts since October. 


DFA Headline Performance Measures

Standard/ Target



Space utilization analysis and implementation will identify better usage of facilities with an expected outcome of reduced costs

Increase utilization and reduce costs for building support



Number of audit recommendations unresolved after one year. [ClearImpact Dashboard item]

Target: 5 (Aligned to DHHS Operations RBA)



SharePoint Online is launched by November 15, 2023- allowing for implementation of at least 4 SharePoint projects by January 1, 2024 (such as contracts, purchasing, travel, budget)

SharePoint Online will be successfully implemented by January 1, 2024. Four specific SharePoint projects will be identified and launched by the end of FY24.



Successful budget forecasting and coordination by their outlined and mandatory deadlines (see Standard/target)

All five tactics in Strategy 3, Objective 3 are completed by end of FY24
